Board Bandages - with a J !!


Remember packing resin and catalyst in your bags when heading OS. Remember mixing up resin in a coconut shell when you'd dinged your board surfing some OS reef. Remember getting the mix wrong and it either went off too fast or didn't go off at all. Remember when the bottle of catalyst burst in your day pack just before you got on the plane...(true story...)

Do yourself a favour and grab a Board Bandage pack. Fix dings fast and safe. Get back in the water quick. If your lazy just leave them on. They'll probably last the life of the board. Or get a pro repair later on if you want.

The cool crew at Board Bandages have run off some JACKSON customs!! Choose from the classic logo, or have some fun with the Banana and Palm Tree themes. 

Visit the Board Bandage web site for full details.




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